The Calbiotech IgE ELISA Kit is intended for the quantitative measurement of IgE in human serum.
IgE constitutes a fraction of the total antibody in serum 50-300 ng/ml (compared to 10 mg/ml for IgG) and together with its Fc receptor is important in primary immune responses.The immunogenetic mechanisms underlying IgE responsiveness seen in the atopic diseases can be divided into antigen-specific and non-antigen-specific responses. IgE antibodies to common antigens are reported in the serum of 13% of normal blood donors.Autoantibodies to the IgE Fc-epsilon-RII (high affinity receptors) reported in the sera of patients with chronic urticaria, can induce histamine release from mast cells. Patients with atopic allergic diseases such as atopic asthma, atopic dermatitis, and hay fever have been shown to exhibit increased total immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels in blood. IgE is also known as the reagenic antibody. In general, elevated levels of IgE indicate an increased probability of an IgE-mediated hypersensitivity, responsible for allergic reactions. Parasitic infestations such as hookworm, and certain clinical disorders including aspergillosis, have also been demonstrated to cause high levels of IgE. Decreased levels of IgE are found in cases of hypogammaglobulinemia, autoimmune diseases, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, cancer, and malaria. Cord blood or serum IgE levels may have prognostic value in assessing the risk of future allergic conditions in children. Certain groups of white blood cells, including basophils and tissue mast cells, have membrane receptors for the IgE molecule.
The IgE is a two-site sandwich ELISA method. Samples and diluent are added to the wells coated with Anti-IgE MAb. IgE in the patient’s serum binds to anti- MAb on the well. Unbound proteins are washed off by wash buffer. Anti-IgE HRP labeled second antibody is then adds. Unbound protein and HRP conjugate are washed off by wash buffer. Upon the addition of the substrate, the intensity of color is proportional to the concentration of IgE in the samples. A standard curve is prepared relating color intensity to the concentration of the IgE.